Piano & Keyboard

A totally new edition of Improve Your Scales! from Initial to grade 5 is now available.  Lots of fun activities to make scale learning a real pleasure!  Includes scales set on all the major exam boards - ABRSM, Trinity, LCM and MTB.

A totally new edition of Improve Your Scales! from Initial to grade 5 is now available. Lots of fun activities to make scale learning a real pleasure! Includes scales set on all the major exam boards - ABRSM, Trinity, LCM and MTB.

Delighted that the new edition of the piano Improve Your Sight Reading! Getting Started is now available. It's a fun way of getting going at this hugely useful and enjoyable skill and takes pupils to Initial grade level.

Delighted that the new edition of the piano Improve Your Sight Reading! Getting Started is now available. It's a fun way of getting going at this hugely useful and enjoyable skill and takes pupils to Initial grade level.








Take it Easy from A Piece A Week (Book 6) played by He Zongyi